Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Democratic Women's Club
of Stanislaus

Next Meeting - Agenda - February Notes - Committee Info Community Digest - Upcoming Events!
March is Women's History Month!

Next Meeting!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
11:00 a.m.
Old Mill Cafe
600 9th Street
Modesto, CA 95354

Belinda Rolicheck, with the SCCW, will be speaking on the history and the activities of the Stanislaus County Commission for Women.
Lise Talbott, Women's and Children's Liaison, will be giving a current affairs update on Legislative Women's Issues and what we can do to "Counteract the Attack on Women's Rights."

Speaker: Belinda Rolicheck, DWCS & SCCW Member
Q & A
Vote on the DWCS becoming a club member of the Stanislaus County Commission for Women. ($25.00 fee)
Vote on scholarship opportunity funding for young women through the SCCW. (Member determined amount.)
If you cannot attend the meeting please send your vote in by email before the meeting.
Speaker: Lise Talbott/ DWCS Women's and Children's Liaison
Women's Issue's Update
Member Discussion

Liaison and Rep Reports
Old Business
Carol Stark - Letter Writer's Update
New Business
Action Item: Membership Drive
Brenda Smith - Lavender Luncheon Update
Open Floor Discussion
Committee Break-out

February Meeting Notes
The Organizational Development meeting was a great success! Twenty ladies, including Mayor's Madueno and Molina, attended this important meeting. The Club Committees have been formed and active members have stepped up to be involved in the following activities:

Secretary - Laura Wilson

Club Committees
Membership - Brenda Smith (Chair), Yamilet Valladolid
Fund-raising - Paula Ford, Laura Wilson, Sheree Lustgarten
Political Activities* - Loretta Carhar, Janelle Lewis Moore, Lise Talbott, Sheree Lustgarten
*Letter Writers Group - Carole Stark, Frances Lopez, Kathy Conrotto, Virginia Madueno, Lise Talbott, Janelle Lewis-Moore, Lori Kramer, Yamilet Valladolid
Finance - Patty, Yvonne, Carole
Communications - Carole Stark, Lori Kramer, Janelle Lewis-Moore, Sheree Lustgarten
Community Service - Janelle Lewis Moore, Paula Ford, Laura Wilson, Kathy Conrotto, Lise Talbott, Sheree Lustgarten
Organizational Development - All Members

Healthcare - Dotty Nygard
Women and Children - Lise Talbott
Arts - Carol Stark, Paula Ford, Lori Kramer
Labor Union - Astrid Zuniga

Club Representatives
Turlock - Brenda Smith
Waterford - Lise Talbott
Patterson - Sheree Lustgarten
Riverbank/Oakdale -Vacant
Salida/West Modesto - Vacant
Ceres/Hughson - Vacant

Outreach Committees
Latina Democratic Women - Virginia Madueno, Yamilet Valladolid
College Dems - Harneet Dhaliwal (Liaison)
African American Democratic Women - Vacant
LGBT - Vacant
Seniors - Vacant
Business and Professional - Mary Ward
Committee sign-ups are on-going. Committees vote on their chairperson. If you are interested in a leadership position or becoming a committee member please let us know.
Hernandez Fundraiser

Jose Hernandez, Candidate for CD10, BBQ fundraiser!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Teamsters Hall
1225 13th Street
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Call Tom to RSVP
(209) 222-8640 or email

Crabby St. Patty's CLUW Fundraiser
Congratulations Central California Coalition of Labor Women on your sold out crab fest last Friday night! CLUW recognized California Labor Federation President, Connie Leva, DWCS member Lesa Rasmussen and others! Great job done by all!
Sutter Tracy Community Hospital Nurses Prevail

Congratulations - DWCS Healthcare Liaison Dotty Nygard and Friends!
Sutter Tracy RNs Vote to Join CA Nurses Association in Hard Fought Victory for Voice in Patient Care
16th Sutter hospital now represented by CNA